5 top tips for enjoying the Summit << Back
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Susi Doherty, of Vervate, is a seasoned Chamber member and Summit attender. In this blog she gives us her insider knowledge to help you get the most from your day.
Whether or not you have been to a Summit before, you really should check out the videos and photography from the 5 previous events. It will be either melancholic, hilarious, cringey, or inspirational, and they’ll definitely get you excited for this year. Check out the photos and videos here. Also, THIS POEM though – *genius*. I literally don’t think I am in any one of the Summit videos, so this year it is my aim to do so, even by way of video bombing.
Having been to all 5 Summits, and thus some kind of Summit Professor, these are my 5 vital top tips to ensure you survive, ney thrive, when you go this year:
1. Don’t eat a big breakfast
Seriously – for a start, it is much better not to be late as you get to the front of the coffee queue. Also, the food is lush. You will no doubt try some gorgeous grub from many a local supplier through the day and leave with a full belly and new supplier loves. Give your body a fighting chance to sample as much as humanly possible.
2. Read up before you get there and plan your day
If you really want to make the most of the ridiculously varied menu of speakers and workshops, have some ideas about what your choices are and read up on them before you get there. It is well worth making the most of the opportunities that present themselves.
3. Get chatting
This is no ordinary networking event. It is also not somewhere to just peddle your wears. It’s about you and your business and your values and your relationships to other business people. Often the best contacts come from the weirdest of places. Not that the Summit is weird (though it definitely has its moments!) but this is somewhere that you will meet people you don’t usually meet. So make the most of it to build relationships.
4. Be cool
I say that because it remains an elusive thing for me. Summit uncool has included:
– Tickly cough during opening speaker when sitting on a table at the front. Two exits and returns to said table culminated in my nose starting to bleed profusely and a third exit.
– Last year I managed to take myself and my headache into the drumming workshop.
– Having a go at video presenting and the only topic to talk to camera about I could think of was a made up story about a squirrel called Heavy Head (no I don’t know either).
– Being caught stuffing 2 more Higgidy Pies into my already full bag at the end (God they’re good).
5. Challenge yourself
Be open minded and go to stuff you wouldn’t usually go to. Being open minded is really important because the Summit may very well raise topics or bring in people that you aren’t comfortable with. How cool is that though. Sometimes you will change your mind, other times just literally be inspired. Going to things you wouldn’t usually go to, like dancing, or singing or holding crazy animals – our careers and businesses chuck things at us all the time don’t they? Why not gain more confidence in how brilliant you are and how things aren’t always that scary.
What else do you need to get you through? Here’s my Summit Survival Kit:
– Tissues. If you get through the Summit without a speaker or workshop moving you to tears then you were wearing headphones or you are dead inside. Also, you may get a nose bleed.
– Ibuprofen. For any tired headaches, ‘lots of noise and not used to it’ feelings or drumming workshops.
– Notebook and pen or indeed a modern day iPad, robot or suchlike to record your musings.
– Business cards (but to use only if asked) – see above.
– A watch, grandfather clock or other time telling device as the pace is full on and it is easy to miss things if you’re not careful.
– A big bag so you can get more pies in it.
– A smile and a hug for the Chamber team who will be knackered.
I really look forward to seeing you there. I’ll be friendly if not cool.